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Society of the Holy Child of Jesus, Apley Grange, Harrogate – Pre-Application Public Consultation

Thank you for visiting this consultation site relating to the Society of the Holy Child of Jesus’ forthcoming development proposals to extend the existing property at Apley Grange to provide additional care home accommodation at Oatlands Drive, Harrogate.

This consultation is being carried out informally to give local residents and interested parties advanced notice of the proposed works and the intention to submit a planning application in the coming weeks to Harrogate Borough Council. At this stage it is anticipated that the planning application will be submitted in early November 2022.

The intention is to submit a full planning application for permission to demolish selected parts of the existing building including an existing garage, and to construct new extensions to enable an internal reconfiguration of the property to achieve an increase in the number of care home bedrooms from 40 to 60. The application will also include proposals to enhance the property’s gardens and to improve the existing point of access onto Oatlands Drive.

The plan attached below provides an illustration of which parts of the building will be demolished (edged with a dashed blue line) and where the proposed extensions will be located (shaded yellow). A full set of plans and elevations will be submitted as part of the planning application in due course. It is also proposed to enhance the garden areas with new planting and landscaping, details of which will also accompany the planning application.

If you have any concerns, wish to make any comments or ask any questions regarding the proposals, please contact Mark Balaj at Alternatively, once the planning application has been submitted to Harrogate Borough Council, there will be an opportunity to submit written comments to the Planning Department for officers to consider when taking a planning decision.