Property Search

I’m a Partner in the Planning and Development team based in the West End of London. My main areas of expertise are UK valuation, development and town planning.

I advise on complex valuations as well as conditional disposal and option / promotion agreements. My specific expertise is in the detail of agreements and finding solutions to legal, technical or planning restrictions.

I have acted as an independent expert as well as appearing as an expert witness in the High Court, public local inquiries and the Lands Chamber.

I act as an adviser to landowners, investors, developers and occupiers across both private and public sectors. My key clients include: Bank of England, Bedford Estate, EDF Energy, Grosvenor Estate, Housebuilders, Merton College, Portman Estate, Private Individuals, Skinners Company, TfL and Whitbread as well as a range of schools and universities.



  • Portfolio Valuations – I act as lead partner on major portfolio valuations including several regular annual valuations of Central London Estates.
  • Morden Wharf, Greenwich – I advised a charity on a Conditional Development Agreement, monitoring the planning process and acted as agent on the disposal of Phase 1 for 1,500 new homes, 200,000 sq ft of Commercial, 50,000 sq ft of Retail.
  • Northampton, SRFI – I advised a private landowner on the terms of an Option Agreement, monitoring of a DCO for a Strategic Rail Freight Interchange and circa 5m sq ft of logistics and successful exercise of Option.
  • Stag Brewery, Mortlake SW14 – I advised a corporate on transactions, promoting and selling a 20-acre site on the River Thames. This was sold unconditionally following the negotiation of a planning brief for residential led mixed use development for circa £160m.

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