Property Search

I am based in our Glasgow office within the business rates team. I joined Gerald Eve in 2023 having had 22 years of experience in various surveying and property related roles. This included around 17 years in an Assessors office dealing with a diverse range of subjects for rating and Council Tax purposes including analysis, valuation and inspection.

My Experience

  • My first project at Gerald Eve was to review around 700 rateable values within the industrial sector for both large national and smaller local clients, to determine if a proposal should be submitted for the 2023 Revaluation. This was followed by analysis and identification of potential factual errors to be included as part of the proposal submission to the Assessor.
  • My recent experience relates to the analysis, reporting and disposal of revaluation appeals for clients.
  • I have responsibility for collating and completing Assessor Information Notices on behalf of clients, ensuring these are returned within the required timescales to avoid any potential penalties.
  • Some of my recent projects have included assisting the valuation team in the inspection of Local Authority and NHS properties, as part of annual asset valuations for clients.

My Sectors

My Services