Property Search

I am an Associate in our Manchester team specialising in rating appeals for Shops, Offices, and Industrial Units throughout North Wales and North West England. From inspecting your property, to reviewing relevant rental evidence, I will undertake negotiations with the Valuation Office Agency on your behalf to ensure the correctness of your property’s rateable value.

I am responsible for managing rating appeals from the initial inspection stage right through to the conclusion of the appeal 

My core responsibilities include inspections, rental analysis, researching the tone of the rating list, writing Statements of Case, and undertaking negotiations with the VOA. In addition, when required I also appear at Valuation Tribunal as both an Expert Witness and Advocate for the appellant.  

I take enormous satisfaction in securing savings for clients following negotiations with the VOA. I have considerable knowledge of rating case law, as well as access to extensive rental information. Combining this knowledge and evidence with a well planned and executed negotiation strategy, enables me to put forward persuasive arguments for the need to reduce a property’s rateable value.  



  • I was able to secure savings of over £240,000, after successfully negotiating a reduction in the unit’s RV of £130,000.