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I am a Partner in our London-based Planning and Development team. A Chartered Town Planner with 17 years’ experience, I provide both strategic planning and property specific advice on complex mixed use, heritage and regeneration schemes in Central London. I am chair of The Women’s Network at Gerald Eve.

My expertise lies in working with heritage assets in sensitive Central London environments, for example within the setting of the World Heritage Site, adaptation of Grade I and II* listed buildings and demolition in conservation areas.

I have considerable experience advising on and managing the full planning application process, working with large, multi-disciplinary teams on long term complex projects to achieve client objectives. I manage engagement with the development plan process for my clients and have experience of appeal and inquiry work.

My clients balanced and varied, including leading commercial and residential developers, estates, institutions, investors and private clients. Key clients include: Landsec, The Crown Estate, Mitsubishi Estate London, Morgan Capital, W.RE, Art-Invest RE, Museum of London, King Edward VII Hospital, Duchy of Lancaster, Amano Group and the Ambassador Theatre Group.



  • Nova, Victoria for Landsec. Over 15 years’ involvement in this significant regeneration scheme in the Victoria Opportunity Area to provide a million sqft of new office space, 170 residential apartments, transport and public realm benefits, a new restaurant quarter and a library. Involving advice on strategic planning matters, feasibility/alternatives work, managing the planning application process, mixed use and affordable housing, relocation of a listed building, EIA, Transport & Works Act Order and Compulsory Purchase Order Inquiries, S106, CIL etc. Since the original permissions, later applications and amendments have added a further 130,000 sqft of commercial space to the site. I have also advised Landsec on other key sites in their Victoria portfolio including Kingsgate House (Zig Zag), Portland House, Ashdown House and on the redevelopment of Red Lion Court in Southwark.
  • Estate planning, for The Crown Estate (Central London estate) and Capital & Counties (Covent Garden portfolio). Leading redevelopment and repositioning schemes e.g. New Zealand House, Floral Court. Managing a team to undertake day-to-day applications, liaising with development and asset managers and managing programmes, policy monitoring, representations, training. Placemaking including public realm, estate lighting schemes, hostile vehicle mitigation, external seating and events. Applications for tenants including luxury retailers and restaurants, for example Sushi Samba, Buns & Buns, Caprice Holdings, Asprey, Cartier.
  • Museum of London’s relocation to West Smithfield Markets. Successfully achieving planning permission and listed building consent for the conversion of the Grade II listed Poultry Market and unlisted former General Market to provide a new home for the Museum of London on this historic site with additional capacity for their collections, a world beating exhibition space and considerable additional schools capacity to inspire the next generation of Londoners. Excellent relationships with officers allowed the development of detailed works at pace. Further educational, arts and institutional clients include: Ambassador Theatre Group, BAFTA, King Edward VII Hospital, Somerset House Trust, London School of Economics, Royal Academy of the Arts, Royal United Services Institute, Westminster Cathedral Choir School.

My Services