Property Search

I’m a Partner here at Gerald Eve and lead our Building Consultancy team. I have led complex projects throughout the UK, Mainland Europe and Asia and have a thorough understanding of both investment and occupational criteria and the management of construction risk.

I have given corporate advice on contingent liabilities, estate rationalisation, capital projects and  acquisitions throughout the UK and Mainland Europe and worked with a wide range of investors on the due diligence of acquisitions and project management of development schemes. I have also carried out project management of remedial work following major bomb blasts in London. I have been an expert witness in relation to cladding defects, professional negligence and the impact of development on other occupiers.

I currently advise The Church Commissioners for England, Triple Point, Whitbread, Soho Estates and The Royal Institution. I have worked with a wide range of investors including Crown Estate, Aviva, Legal and General, Hermes and M and G.



  • Church Commissioners for England – I have advised the Church Commissioners for over 20 years on acquisitions and disposals for their commercial investment portfolio and more recently on the Hyde Park Estate. I have also project managed development schemes, on their behalf, advised on joint ventures and provided expert technical advice. I have a clear understanding of their investment criteria and appetite for risk and have helped navigate some complex transactions.
  • Major PFI Projects – I advised the Skanska led consortium on remodelling of the Ministry of Defence Main Building, Whitehall, with reference to the repair and refurbishment of the existing fabric and the temporary decant of staff during the redevelopment. That appointment led to me being retained on the subsequent St Bartholomew’s and the Royal London PFI project. I have also advised the National Audit Office on value for money and technical issues in relation to completed projects.
  • Woman’s Pioneer Housing – I am currently working with our development team on proposals in relation to redevelopment of a complex site in west London that will ultimately provide almost 400 residential units and a commercial element. I have worked up the development brief and guided the project through the OJEU procurement stage leading to the appointment of a development partner and preparation of a planning application.

My Services